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Play Golf? Sponsor and Play for a Great Cause

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Anderson Golf Classic Flyer Blog Graphic

Anderson Center for Autism Golf Classic
June 16, Dutchess Golf Club

At Ashworth Creative, we become close to our clients. We’re fascinated by their products, and, when they are doing something great and worthwhile, we like to help out any way we can. Such is the case with Anderson Center for Autism. This year, by popular demand, they’re restoring their annual golf outing back to its proper place in the golfing year. We thought you might like to play and become a sponsor for this event – a fun day that helps to support the children and adults of Anderson Center for Autism. Just tell them Ashworth Creative sent you!

Classic Sponsorship – $7,500
Sponsor receives recognition and appreciation including 4 golfers, a radio spot announcing the lead sponsorship, a business banner displayed on the course, a full 1 in 68 Radio Program devoted to the sponsor company and its leadership, a full page ad in the digital program and sponsor’s business logo on the website.

Hole in One Sponsorship – $5,000
Sponsor receives recognition and appreciation including 4 golfers, their name is displayed as Luncheon Sponsor, half a 1 in 68 radio program will be devoted to sponsor and their company, a half page ad in the digital program and sponsor’s business logo displayed on the website.

Birdie Sponsorship – $2500
Sponsor receives recognition and appreciation for 2 golfers, sponsor’s name is displayed as Breakfast Sponsor, acknowledgement on 1 in 68 radio program, a listing in the digital program, and sponsor’s business logo displayed on the website.

Corporate Sponsorship – $1,000
Registration for 4 Golfers, acknowledgement on 1 in 68 radio program, and a listing in the digital program.

Beverage Cart – $500
Sponsor’s name displayed on a beverage cart and a listing in the digital program.

Individual Player – $175 Registration for 1 player.

Tee Sponsor – $175 Naming signage on course

Program Journal Ad – $100 Full page ad in digital program

No Time to Play? – $100 Arrive at 3:00pm and join in for cocktails and dinner.

When: June 16, 2016
Where: Dutchess Golf Club

The Anderson Golf Classic begins with registration and continental breakfast from 7:45-8:45am at the Dutchess Golf Club, 2628 South Road, Poughkeepsie, NY. The shotgun star/scramble format will take place at 9:00am. Lunch is served on the course. At 3:00pm there will be cocktails, dinner, awards and raffles. Radio Station K104 is Media Sponsor for the event and is the Hole-in-One Giveaway Sponsor but there are lots of other opportunities for participation – each player receives a gift bag and there are raffles, hole in one prizes and more.

Those interested in sponsorships or in attending the Anderson Classic should contact Kelly Dooley at 845-889-9208 or at or visit to register and pay online.

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