Ashworth Creative loves to be busy. So even though there’s a pandemic, we’re working smartly – albeit remotely – and we feel privileged to be able to get important projects completed for our clients. Our team is strong and fortunately healthy. The nature of our work means that as long as we keep in touch with each other, the work flows remarkably smoothly. We take full advantage of every kind of communication: texting, Zooming, G-chatting, FaceTiming, and using our project management software, Teamwork, to connect all through the work day, with a dash of Slack thrown in for light relief. We share projects on Google docs and, naturally, use phone and email like mad things. And sometimes we do several of those at the same time! A key part of getting work done is putting together a work budget list for the day so we know what’s done and what isn’t. We have a weekly Zoom project meeting and regular catchup calls with our team and our clients. All this activity gets things accomplished, despite obstacles, and we thought you would like to see some of our latest projects.
When marketing during a crisis, relevance is key
All three of these projects, although very different, have a common thread. Despite the Covid-19 crisis, and in some cases because of it, they are hugely relevant to planning for a bright future, which we and our clients firmly believe in.
A new brand for a medical billing company with 60 years of experience
Medical billing in the complex and confidential environment of today’s healthcare faces unique challenges. When Kirshon & Company, P.C., came to us with a long-established medical billing firm that they had acquired, they wanted a complete rebrand, messaging and website to match its great service and integrity with a modern name and image. Ashworth came up with the name DocFinancial, and it fit like a surgical glove. We created new imagery, and voiced the firm’s history of more than 60 years of expertise managing all facets of billing, coding and revenue flow for large medical groups to which Kirshon brought updated technology and financial acumen.
The advent of coronavirus spurred on development of the new brand, marketing and website. Many medical professionals, such as anesthesiologists and ambulatory surgery centers, have temporarily stopped non-essential procedures. DocFinancial took this rare moment of hiatus for doctors to launch the brand. Response has been excellent and existing clients are happy to have their excellent service uninterrupted by the rebranding. The previously well kept secret is now a smart, US-based service with a strong competitive story to tell. Ashworth Creative is continuing to produce marketing materials and automated marketing for DocFinancial and is excited to see the company poised for future growth.
Check out the DocFinancial website
Day One Early Learning Community
There is an educational revolution brewing in Poughkeepsie, NY. A remarkable initiative by a group of gifted educators is being designed to change the way that children learn. Day One Early Learning Community plans to do three remarkable things. The first is to build connections in children’s brains when they are most receptive, in the years zero to three, helping them to learn through play. This will be accomplished at the Day One Teaching & Learning Center to be built in the center of the City of Poughkeepsie. The second facet is the Day One Teacher Apprenticeship Program (TAP) which will create meaningful work for early childhood teachers with an intensive, full-time, ten-week apprenticeship program, launching them on a career as early childhood educators. And finally, the program will serve parents by helping them to become fully engaged in their children’s education from six-weeks to five-years old and empower them to enter or re-enter the workforce, confident that their children are thriving. The program is ambitious and is intended to encourage young families to stay in Poughkeepsie and Dutchess County and to build a sustainable model that can be replicated nationwide.
Ashworth Creative are extremely honored to help the Day One Early Learning Community communicate its goals and programs to parents, teachers and donors through a lively new website which we were able to create in record time by working side by side with the group. Of all the new things happening in Poughkeepsie, this is perhaps the most invigorating and inspiring. We hope you’ll enjoy learning more about Day One, which is a game changer.
Check out the Day One website
Knit + Escape
Over the years, Ashworth Creative has often been asked, “Do you do events?” While we didn’t officially, privately we have been involved in supporting all kinds of events for our clients. Late in 2019, Eve Ashworth, a passionate knitter and maker, teamed with Kristy Glass, a knitting superstar with a huge Instagram and YouTube following, to launch an event company, Knit + Escape. Their first event, slated for November 12 through 15, 2020, is a Knit + Escape weekend in the Catskill Mountains at the amazing town of Roxbury, NY. Kristy Glass and a band of fiber art role models will be leading classes and hanging out with the 80 guests all weekend. Kristy Glass and the other fiber artists have more than 140,000 followers on Instagram alone and will provide real-time instruction, encouragement and inspiration. And that’s just the beginning of the fun!
Despite being launched in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, the idea of brilliant accommodation at the unique Roxbury Experience, plus the delightful opportunity to learn from and shop the wildest yarns by indie fiber dyers has proven irresistible with more than half the spaces filled in the first few weeks. Kristy Glass and Eve Ashworth invite fiber arts fans to give themselves something fantastic to look forward to, as their Ashworth designed website explains.
Check out the Knit + Escape website
Keep social distance but get in touch with us. We have business to do!
Ashworth Creative is determined to keep our great team working through this crisis, and we’re busy designing new brands and supporting our healthcare clients, many of whom are facing unprecedented situations with bravery and constant innovation. We are helping our retail and manufacturing clients weather this perfect storm and assisting them in keeping their operations going by exploring new markets with SEO/SEM, digital campaigns and more. We have videos ready to shoot the moment isolation restrictions are lifted. We may be #WFH, but we’re very much here. Give us a call, we can’t wait to talk shop with you!